【聯合報╱編譯莊蕙嘉、特派記者藍孝威、記者林琮盛/連線報導】 2007.12.18 08:40 am
建築師霍爾(Steven Holl)同時有兩件作品入選,另一件則是名列第八「北京當代萬國城」住商混合建築。第二名的舊金山聯邦大廈是棟環保建築,時代雜誌評論:「這棟政府大樓不只在天空中引人注目,本身也非常環保。地面上運用不鏽鋼網的手風琴褶設計不僅具設計感,還可遮陽。無論任何方面,此建築物成就皆屬最先進者。」
當代萬國城在國際上屢次獲獎,包括二○○六年「Popular Science 」雜誌評選為「改變人類生活的世界七大工程奇蹟」,和當年美國「Business Week」評選為「中國十大新建築奇蹟」。
The 10 Best (New and Upcoming) Architectural Marvels詳細資料請參閱:
The 10 Best (New and Upcoming) Architectural Marvels詳細資料請參閱:
#1 | Bloch Building, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art addition, Kansas City, Mo. Steven Holl Architects
Adding a new wing to a neoclassical museum, Holl devised a spectacular update on classicism: an irregular series of volumes that cascade down the museum's lawn and glow from within. The effect against the nighttime sky is nothing short of magical.
#2 | Federal Building, San Francisco Morphosis
This government office building is not only a smashing addition to the skyline, it's also green to the core. For one thing, its steel-mesh scrim is both a sunscreen and a design element that steps in sharp accordion folds at plaza level. A cutting-edge building, in all ways.
#3 | Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle Weiss/Manfredi
The Seattle Art Museum decided to put its sculpture park on an old industrial site crossed by a busy road and a railway line. Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi made the most of it with an intricate switchback pathway that draws nature, art and the city into a dynamic force field.
#4 | IAC Headquarters, New York Frank Gehry Partners
Gehry's exuberant building is an undulating, white glass mesa that uses his characteristic whiplashing lines in a subdued and legible way. The sculptural silhouette is actually a clear expression of the interior floor plates. They just happen to be madly inventive floor plates.
#5 | The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York Sanaa
The New Museum is on the Bowery, a grimy but gentrifying stretch of lower Manhattan. So Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa gave it a home that's part funky, part shimmery, an asymmetrical stack of boxes covered by a honeycomb of aluminum.
#6 | Olympic Stadium, Beijing
Athletes at the Summer Games will compete in a nestlike venue by Herzog & de Meuron.
#7 | CCTV Headquarters, Beijing
A tetrahedronal structure by Rem Koolhaas will be the most radically reimagined tall building in the world.
#8 | Linked Hybrid, Beijing
Steven Holl's retail/ office complex will have sky bridges connecting each of its eight towers.
#9 | Heathrow Five, London
Richard Rogers' firm is giving Heathrow a big new terminal under a vast, column-free arch.
#10 | Caja Madrid Tower, Madrid
Norman Foster's oil-and-gas-company headquarters will have rooftop wind turbines.