
2009年4月13日 星期一


World Heritage and Cultural Diversity
Challenges for University Education

世界遺產中心這幾年來陸續與全世界幾個國家,例如:日本、愛爾蘭、德國…等大學合作開設「世界遺產研究」的研究所學程。其中,位在德國東部的BTU Cottbus將在20091023-25日舉行一場與世界遺產教育有關的國際研討會。其中,該會議在1023日下午四點舉行開幕式後,將在傍晚17:20-18:00間,邀請現任ICCROM的主任Mr. Mounir Bouchenaki進行一場專題演講,講題為「世界遺產與文化多樣性:大學教育的挑戰」。
1.        Interdependencies of Cultural and Religious Diversity
2.        Economic and Technological Dynamics through Migration
3.        Politics and (In)Justice in Relation to World Heritage
4.        Cultural Landscapes
‧摘要稿截止日(Deadline for abstracts
1 June 2009
‧摘要審核通知日(Notification for acceptance
15 July 2009
‧(會議簡報內容繳交截止日)Deadline for conference presentation
1 October 2009
‧全文繳交截止日(Deadline for final articles
15 November 2009
The UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies at Brandenburg University of Technology is pleased to host an International Conference on "World Heritage and Cultural Diversity – Challenges for University Education".
The event is being co-organised by the German Commission for UNESCO and is scheduled to take place in Cottbus from 23-25 October 2009. The conference patrons are the UNESCO Word Heritage Centre and the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Germany.
The conference aims to discuss in which way the different aspects of cultural diversity can be protected by international legal instruments and how such instruments may achieve this. Another aim is to connect a broad understanding of diversity with existing and future World Heritage sites.
Four panels will discuss the topics outlined below.
·                       How can the diversity of World Heritage be strengthened and how can new dimensions be developed for defining Outstanding Universal Value?
·                       To what extent are new instruments like the UN’s Millennium Declaration and the 2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples taken into account in actual practice?
·                       How can university education be enriched by World Heritage and its diversity?
Panel 1
Interdependencies of Cultural and Religious Diversity
Panel 2
Economic and Technological Dynamics through Migration
Panel 3
Politics and (In) Justice in Relation to World Heritage
Panel 4
Cultural Landscapes
Rituals / song
Oral / visual cultures
Property rights / restitution / Human Rights
Indigenous interpretations of Cultural Landscapes
Sites / places formed by religion
Centres of technological and media revolutions (book printing, digital revolution)
Auschwitz / Robben Island
Urban and industrial landscapes
Pilgrim routes
Trade routes / sea routes / railroads
Slave routes
Landscapes used by nomadic populations
Diffusion of innovations through migration
Flight / displacement / exile
River landscapes
Tolerance and diversity
Cultural spaces influenced by writing
Conflict and post-conflict spaces
Organic and planned Cultural Landscapes
Religious networks
Globalised networks
Criminal networks
Agro-industrial landscapes, (post-) mining landscapes

