We stand for CHANGE!
這句美國民主黨總統候選人Barack Obama朗朗上口的競選口號,現在可以用在美國的世界遺產提名策略上了,因為,美國人終於硬起來了。
這句美國民主黨總統候選人Barack Obama朗朗上口的競選口號,現在可以用在美國的世界遺產提名策略上了,因為,美國人終於硬起來了。
萊特一直是我深愛的建築師排行榜第一名,不是我在說的,美國這十幾年來跟世界遺產之間的互動是極差的(1995年之後就沒有新列名的世界遺產了,請見附錄一),當然有很大部份的原因是美國的古蹟保存法令過度強調「民主自由」(因為美國的文化遺產若要申報為世界遺產必須先要美國官方的法令認定,像是National Historic Landmark 或 National Natural Landmark或是Federal reserve of national importance, 諸如National Park, National Monument, 與 Wildlife Refuge等等,同時最麻煩的一點,就是要全部的所有權人(all owners)同意,最後經過專家評估後才能提報,也因為要「全部的所有權人」都同意,才造成他們這麼多年來都很難推動),所以讓很多具有指標意義的文化遺產無法成為世界遺產名錄的一員。不過,這冰冷的僵局逐漸快要被打破,據可靠消息指出,美國在最新的世界遺產「預備名單」(Tentative List)中準備了十四項大禮企圖進軍日後世界遺產的申報機制,這十四個名單,最讓我興奮的莫過於期待以久,且早晚都一定被提報為世界遺產的萊特作品。
當路易巴拉槓(Luis Barragán, 1902-1988)與勒科布季耶(Le Corbusier, 1887-1965)的代表作品都已是世界遺產的同時,萊特(Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959)的作品豈能在這個文化競技場上缺席,萊特在美國境內的傑出作品不僅僅影響美國的建築史,也深深影響全世界的現代建築史的發展,尤其是在住宅設計上,大家耳熟能詳的「落水山莊」(Falling Water)【補充:中國都把此住宅的中文譯為「流水別墅」,不過我還是喜歡落水山莊的譯名。】
萊特在美國境內有逾400棟具有影響力的經典建築,其中有許多是近代建築史上「草原建築」(organic architecture)系列的代表作品,因此目前美國先打算將下列作品以「法蘭克洛伊德萊特的建築」(Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings)為名提報為預備名單之中,將循世界遺產的高第模式,將他的建築作品一次提報為世界遺產,我想,這將會是令人興奮且期待的一天。
· Taliesin West (1938), Scottsdale, Arizona (我個人喜歡的極品案例)
· Hollyhock House (1919-21), Los Angeles, California
· Marin County Civic Center (1960-69), San Rafael, California
· Frederick C. Robie House (1908-10), Chicago, Illinois (我個人喜歡的極品案例)
· Unity Temple (1905-08), Oak Park, Illinois
· Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (1956-59), New York, New York
· Price Tower (1953-56), Bartlesville, Oklahoma
· Fallingwater (1936-38), Mill Run, Pennsylvania (我個人喜歡的極品案例)
· S. C. Johnson and Son, Inc., Administration Building and Research Tower, Racine, Wisconsin (1936-39; 1943-50)
· Taliesin (1911 and later), Spring Green, Wisconsin (我個人喜歡的極品案例)
↗ Robie House
↗ Robie House 郵票
1. Civil Rights Movement Sites, Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama. This site links three locations of significance to the Civil Rights Movement. They are the three historically African-American churches: Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church in Montgomery and the Bethel Baptist and 16th Street Baptist Churches in Birmingham.
2. Dayton Aviation Sites. Four sites associated with the Wright Brothers' and flight are included. All are in and around Dayton and were significant in the "pioneering efforts in human flight."
3. Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks, Ohio. Nine archeological sites containing more than 40 monumental ceremonial earthworks that date back to the Native American Ohio Hopewell culture during the Woodland Period (1,000-2,000 years ago).
4. Jefferson (Thomas) Buildings (Poplar Forest and Virginia State Capitol), Virginia. These two buildings will be added to the Jefferson buildings already part of the World Heritage listing. Monticello and the University of Virginia are on the list.
5. Mount Vernon, Virginia. George Washington's home and its gardens.
6. Poverty Point National Monument and State Historic Site, Louisiana. Constructed 1700 - 1100 years ago, this may be the "remains of the largest hunter-gatherer settlement that has ever existed."
7. San Antonio Franciscan Missions, Texas. Five Spanish Roman Catholic missions that include 80 or more structures built from "1724 to 1782 on "open village" plans within walled compounds." They highlight the influence of Spanish colonialism.
8. Serpent Mound, Ohio. This is already a state monument in Ohio and is "the largest documented surviving example of a prehistoric effigy mound in the world."
9. Wright (Frank Lloyd) Buildings, Arizona, California, Illinois, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
These ten properties are among the most iconic, most intact, most representative, most innovative and most influential of the more than 400 Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) designs that have been erected. They span almost sixty years of his efforts to create an "organic architecture" that attracted widespread international attention and powerfully affected the course of modern architecture around the world as well as in the United States. The properties include the two Taliesins (his long-time homes with studios and schools); three residences he designed for others, two office complexes, a place of worship, a museum, and a governmental complex.
10. Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, Hawaii. "1,200-mile-long string of islands and adjacent waters represents the longest, clearest, and oldest example of island formation and atoll evolution in the world." The islands are also culturally important because 1,000 ago people lived here.
11. Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, American Samoa. This is refuge houses a coral reef ecosystem in an eroded volcanic crater.
12. Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia. Consists of the Okefenokee Swamp is "one of the world's largest naturally driven freshwater ecosystems." The diversity of habitats and flora and fauna is extensive.
13. Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. Has large deposits of petrified wood that date back to the Late Triassic Epoch, 205-225 million years ago. There are also imprtant fossils including those of dinosaurs.
14. White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. Acres and acres (176,000 worth) of gypsum sand dunes, the "best protected surface deposit of gypsum sand" in the world.
U.S. World Heritage Sites (with dates of inscription):
§ Mesa Verde National Park (1978)
§ Yellowstone National Park (1978)
§ Everglades National Park (1979)
§ Grand Canyon National Park (1979)
§ Independence Hall (1979)
§ Kluane / Wrangell-St Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek (1979, 1992, 1994)
§ Redwood National and State Parks (1980)
§ Mammoth Cave National Park (1981)
§ Olympic National Park (1981)
§ Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site (1982)
§ La Fortaleza and San Juan National Historic Site in Puerto Rico (1983)
§ Great Smoky Mountains National Park (1983)
§ Statue of Liberty (1984)
§ Yosemite National Park (1984)
§ Chaco Culture (1987)
§ Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (1987)
§ Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville (1987)
§ Pueblo de Taos (1992)
§ Carlsbad Caverns National Park (1995)
§ Waterton Glacier International Peace Park (1995)
§ Mesa Verde National Park (1978)
§ Yellowstone National Park (1978)
§ Everglades National Park (1979)
§ Grand Canyon National Park (1979)
§ Independence Hall (1979)
§ Kluane / Wrangell-St Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek (1979, 1992, 1994)
§ Redwood National and State Parks (1980)
§ Mammoth Cave National Park (1981)
§ Olympic National Park (1981)
§ Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site (1982)
§ La Fortaleza and San Juan National Historic Site in Puerto Rico (1983)
§ Great Smoky Mountains National Park (1983)
§ Statue of Liberty (1984)
§ Yosemite National Park (1984)
§ Chaco Culture (1987)
§ Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (1987)
§ Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville (1987)
§ Pueblo de Taos (1992)
§ Carlsbad Caverns National Park (1995)
§ Waterton Glacier International Peace Park (1995)