舉個例子吧,2008年初才剛成立的非營利組織「香港遺產維護基金會有限公司」(The Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation Limited)以具創意的概念,將「舊大澳警署」再利用為一個富有殖民地色彩,並且擁有環海美景的主題精品酒店。該主題精品酒店是以「活化歷史建築伙伴計劃」(Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme)為名的第一期個案,將興建於1902年,屬於香港三級古蹟的「舊大澳警署」改建成「大澳文物精品酒店」。改建後的酒店將有九間套房、一間屋頂咖啡座、一間圖書館,以及一個用以展示舊大澳警署歷史的展覽場地。【詳細計畫簡報請參閱http://www.heritage.gov.hk/doc/rhbtp/Old%20Tai%20O%20Police%20Station.pdf】
另一個案例是正在進行中的香港荷李活道前已婚警察宿舍(Former Police Married Quarters),這個案子是香港行政長官於2009至2010年《施政報告》公布的「維護中環」(Conserving Central)措施的八個項目之一。香港政府透過徵集各界具創意的企畫書競賽方式,將各計畫方案做評選,最後,「決定保留並將該用地改作創意產業用途,旨在擴大現時沿荷李活道和蘇豪區的創意產業群組。這種氛圍正好提供培育創意的合適環境。」香港政府採用伙伴合作模式落實這項計畫,由政府在工務計劃下負責進行該址的基本結構及建築設備工程,及支付有關工程費用。建議的政府工程由建築署負責,包括:(一)兩座宿舍大樓的基本改善工程,以滿足主要功能需要和符合現代建築規定;(二)保存中央書院的歷史文物;(三)在兩座宿舍大樓之間興建以玻璃和鋼架構造的天篷和一道行人天橋;(四)興建一個全新的多用途室暨展覽廊;及(五)發展約1200平方公尺的美化休憩用地。這個企劃書的徵集截止日期是2010年6月18日中午12時,屆時將會再引起各界注意。【詳細資訊請參閱http://www.heritage.gov.hk/tc/pmq/application_arrangements.htm】
(一) 彰顯文物的歷史價值及技術方面的能力(reflection of historical value and technical aspects)(10%);
(二) 創意產業價值、社會價值及營運社會企業的能力(creative industries value, social value and social enterprise operation)(40%);
(三) 財務可行性及其他考慮因素(financial viability and other considerations)(25%);及
(四) 管理能力及其他考慮因素(management capability and other considerations)(25%)。
再舉一個例子,台灣在思考文化創意產業時最常引經據典的就是英國經驗。英國的「歷史性建築維護學會」(Institute of Historic Building Conservation, IHBC)曾經在一份報告中談到文化遺產的價值與利益,它提到從社會、經驗與環境價值的角度的來看,有效的保存歷史性建築將可以有下列的效益:
Social, Economic and Environmental Value
Historic buildings and areas are key elements in the regeneration of cities, towns and rural areas all around the UK, facilitating the modernisation and adaptation of places to 21st century needs and helping in the transformation of failing areas into thriving communities.
Enterprise, Innovation and Creative Industries
Historic buildings help to provide diversity in the nature and affordability of commercial and industrial floorspace and are therefore crucial to the development of small businesses, creative industries, innovation and the knowledge economy.
Economic Development and Competitiveness
A high quality environment, old and new, is a prerequisite to maximising economic development potential, projecting a positive image, attracting high value jobs and investment, and improving competitiveness.
Historic places and buildings attract visitors and are an essential element of the Tourism industry, an important sector of the UK economy.
Leisure and 24 Hour Economy
Historic areas often provide the focus for leisure facilities, from theatres and art installations to restaurants and bars.
City Living
Historic buildings, areas and waterways are a catalyst for the repopulation of inner city areas and development of new housing markets.
Rural Renaissance
Historic buildings and places have helped to accommodate new uses, facilitate economic diversification and form a basis for tourism and the visitor economy in rural areas and small settlements.
Enhanced Values
Listed buildings, in office or domestic use, deliver consistently higher yields and values than other buildings.
Supporting Local Communities
Selective redevelopment based around the historic environment is almost universally more successful than large-scale comprehensive redevelopment, better fulfilling the needs of local communities and maintaining local cultural, social and economic diversity.
Social inclusion
Historic buildings and areas can provide accommodation for a range of social and community facilities, better accessibility and choice for non-car owners, low rental business accommodation, affordable housing, and a basis for transforming under-performing areas and creating new life opportunities.
Areas of Deprivation
In areas of market failure and deprivation, schemes to improve and enhance heritage assets can often help to create confidence, improve image, attract investment, create new facilities for social enterprise and act as a catalyst to reverse economic decline.
Sustainable use of Resources
The conservation and refurbishment of historic buildings is an intrinsically sustainable form of development, avoiding the use and waste of scarce resources associated with demolition and redevelopment, and helping to achieve sustainable growth.
Sustainable Patterns of Development
Historic areas were designed for a low-carbon economy, usually having environments based on the needs of pedestrians with rear of pavement frontages and permeable layouts,
Mixed Use
Older areas usually provide a fine grain of mixed use
Human Resources
Compared to new-build development, building refurbishment generates higher levels of pay and investment in local economies.